Introducing our CX Lab

Performance in People (PiP) is the largest mystery shopping supplier in the UK. They deliver more than 60,000 mystery shop evaluations and score over 2 million customer service-based questions every year....

Performance in People (PiP) is the largest mystery shopping supplier in the UK. They deliver more than 60,000 mystery shop evaluations and score over 2 million customer service-based questions every year.

CX Lab Industries

Cross-industry benchmarking

PiP analyse extensive CX data across a range of industries including automotive, retail, hospitality, house building, financial and call centres - providing invaluable benchmarking data and insights to their clients.

CX Lab Data

Data from 800+ annual programmes

Being able to access, utilise and examine data from 800+ annual mystery shopping and customer research programmes has provided PiP with the knowledge and expertise to understand what makes the ultimate customer experience.

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The CX Lab

PiP’s in-house CX Lab is an incredibly powerful and valuable service to the organisation and their clients. The CX Lab includes 5 full-time members of staff who analyse and provide detailed insights into every single element of the customer experience. Every element is validated and is not limited to a subjective opinion.

The CX Lab produce an extensive range of value-added insights to clients in multi-media formats including, but not limited to...

Video and audio compilations films – providing real life CX examples corresponding to data analytics. These films are also a fantastic tool for providing best practise examples for learning and development.

Benchmark reporting – providing clients with analysis on their performance and how it compares to the wider industry.

Behavioural analysis – using PiP’s award-winning Behavioural Measurement Score® (BMS®) methodology to drill down into specific characteristics and how they influence the customer experience.

Industry reports – providing interesting research studies such as the geographical study, and QSR research report.

And so much more…!

Watch our intro video below for more about PiP’s CX Lab…